هل الأرباح النقدية لـ Computer Modelling Group آمنة؟
Computer Modelling Group يزيد الأرباح منذ 1 سنوات.
خلال السنوات الـ10 الماضية، حققت Computer Modelling Group نموًا سنويًا بنسبة -٦٫٥٧٩% خُفِّضَ.
على مدى 5 سنوات هبط التوزيع بنسبة -١٢٫٩٤٥ %.
يتوقع المحللون للسنة المالية الجارية نمواً بنسبة زيادة الأرباح% بمقدار ٢٫٩٠٦.
Computer Modelling Group Aktienanalyse
ماذا يفعل Computer Modelling Group؟
The Computer Modelling Group Ltd, also known as CMG, is a global company specializing in providing software for the measurement and simulation of drilling and oil fields. It was founded in Canada in 1978 and is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta.
Business Model:
CMG offers its customers software solutions for modeling, simulation, and prediction of oil and gas reservoirs. Customers can choose from a variety of products and services to meet their individual needs. The support for these products is comprehensive and reflects the high standard for which the company is known.
CMG serves three distinct divisions:
E&P - Exploration and Production:
In this division, CMG offers an extensive collection of tools and software solutions for companies involved in the exploration and production of oil and gas resources. The software assists with reservoir evaluation, drilling planning, analysis of drilling data, and production forecasting. CMG developed its first product, the wave-based reservoir simulation program, in 1983.
Reservoir Management Solutions:
This division offers software solutions for reservoir modeling. CMG focuses on production and quality forecasting, as well as information security. Companies benefit from intuitive interface design, high data integration, and flexibility in making changes.
Natural Gas:
CMG's natural gas division specializes in the simulation and prediction of gas production and delivery. The software assists oil and gas companies in identifying gas deposits, maximizing gas production, evaluating gas reserves, and improving demand management processes.
CMG offers various software products that cater to the diverse needs of its customers.
Multiphase Fluid Tool:
This tool allows comprehensive modeling of gas, fluids, and reservoir effects. Users can plan new drilling, locate residual oils, confirm convergence fronts or gas occurrence areas, and calculate daily produced fluids.
Thermal Tool:
The Thermal Tool is a software product for modeling processes in extremely high and extremely low temperatures. It considers factors such as heat transfer, flow, and storage in its simulations. The software can be run on different hardware platforms and can be customized to meet specific customer requirements.
CMG's products offer companies a range of benefits. The software enables companies to improve drilling methods and reservoir acquisition, including flooding and CO2 injection. This allows companies to optimize profitability while reducing the risk of drilling failures and other costly problems. CMG's products are also designed to be adaptable to specific requirements and subsectors of the oil and gas industry.
CMG is a key player in the international oil and gas industry market, known for its software solutions for measuring and simulating drilling and oil fields. With its products and services, it has helped companies around the world increase profitability while reducing the risk of failures and other costly problems. Computer Modelling Group هو واحد من الشركات الأكثر شعبية على Eulerpool.com.توفر خطط ادخار الأسهم فرصة جذابة للمستثمرين لبناء الثروة على المدى الطويل. أحد الفوائد الرئيسية هو ما يسمى بتأثير متوسط التكلفة: من خلال الاستثمار المنتظم لمبلغ ثابت في الأسهم أو صناديق الاستثمار الأسهمية، يتم شراء المزيد من الحصص تلقائيًا عندما تكون الأسعار منخفضة، وأقل عندما تكون مرتفعة. وهذا يمكن أن يؤدي إلى سعر متوسط للحصة أكثر فائدة عبر الزمن. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تتيح خطط ادخار الأسهم للمستثمرين الصغار الوصول إلى الأسهم الباهظة الثمن، حيث يمكنهم المشاركة بمبالغ صغيرة. كما تشجع الاستثمار المنتظم على اتباع استراتيجية استثمار متقنة وتساعد على تجنب القرارات العاطفية، مثل الشراء أو البيع الاندفاعي. علاوة على ذلك، يستفيد المستثمرون من الزيادة المحتملة في قيمة الأسهم بالإضافة إلى توزيعات الأرباح، التي يمكن إعادة استثمارها، مما يعزز تأثير الفائدة المركبة وبالتالي نمو رأس المال المستثمر.